Ancient Earth Mysteries Book
The author of MysteryPile's article content, J.C. Vintner, officially released a book version of the site, a beginner's guidebook. The thought-provoking short research novel offering covers each of the topics on MysteryPile as well as additional concepts and new works in progress. Research has lead Vintner to new avenues of expression with hope of further explaining personal premonitions, something which J.C. talks about in the Epilogue. The book is intended to be a beginner's guide to Ancient Earth Mysteries, and is categorized by BISAC in Body, Mind & Spirit / UFOs & Extraterrestrials.
A quote from Ancient Earth Mysteries:
To obtain a copy of Ancient Earth Mysteries in paperback or e-book format, please visit Google Books, Barnes & Noble, Amazon Books, Smashwords, and partners. We work to keep information regarding this title, and others offered by J.C. Vintner easily accessible through web stores and in print formats. Proceeds from book sales help fund future projects, perform research, and cover overhead operating costs.
ISBN: 1466255242
Language: English
Print Pages: 102
Publish Date: September 8th, 2011
Mass Market Paperback
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